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• What others are saying

Vielen Dank Max für prima OP-Arbeit trotz QRM wie geschrieben. Danke auch an QSL-Mn Tim für die schnelle positive Antwort.
Tolle Webseite und mach einfach weiter so, viel gesundheit!
73′ Bernd – DL5BL
Just had a contact with Z68UR under difficult conditions due to the noise on frequency and another operator who obviously couldn’t hear Z68UR or didn’t care he was operating on the frequency first. Good contact and good procedures from the Z68UR operator, well done.
73′ Carlo – G7IRU
Thanks for the new datamode dxcc. Beam is currently stuck at 270 deg so very pleased to make the contact easily.
Good luck with your remaining time in Z6.
73′ Ian – M0KCM
Bedankt Max voor het leuke qso op 20 meter.
Have fun in Kosovo.
73′ Andre – PD3AL
Nice to work you and I appreciate the contact despite your high noise levels!
Wish you every success.
73′ Martyn – MM0XXW
Kiaora Max,
I am hoping to work you form ZL and will be looking for you on all bands, Voacap suggest 29% chance at 0500 – 0700 utc 0n 20 metres.
I will be looking for you, Thanks for being in Kosovo it will be ATNO if we make it 🙂
73′ Graham – ZL3GQ
VOA Cap Professional shows best 20m for ZL is at 0400UTC. Will be watching out for you.
73′ Sutton – ZL4QJ
Great reception from you tonight here on the south coast of the uk on the 40m band while using my Kenwood R5000.
73′ Paul – SWL
ON6AT • Patrick Elyn • Belgium
Dag Max,
Blij dat ik je kon werken op 40m op 21/08/2018 om 22:25 UTC. Uw signaal was beter op de G5RV maar moest het qso doen met de Vert. R8 antenne.
Spijtig van de QRM.
73′ Patrick – ON6AT
ON6CC • Marc Cosemans • Belgium
Beautiful site Max! Really profesionally made! Enjoy your stay over there and hopefully you can help me with some bandpoints and new modes for my DXCC!
73′ Marc – ON6CC
VE3LYC • Cezar Trifu • Canada
Hi Max,
Very sad to learn from your website of Alain’s (ON4BAV) passing at the end of July. Crushing ‘news’… Alain and I corresponded from time to time. He shared with me that he lived for many years with MS, and went through very depressive moments due to intense pains. It was in part the IOTA chasing that kept him going, motivated and focused on a goal. I don’t think that it weakened the pains, but kept him fighting this terrible illness. Alain was a very passionate DXer and IOTA chaser, with 1035+ groups confirmed. Two years ago he wrote to me: “I confess that I have thought many times of stopping with the hobby [due to my MS pains], but your expeditions kept me going.” So long, Alain, I’ll miss your fighting spirit…
Good luck with our Z6 operation plan. I will be looking for you on 10 and 12 m. I know that propagation conditions are difficult, but I’ll keep the faith, hi.
Warm regards, Cezar – VE3LYC.
ON7CL • Rudi Claes • Belgium
Mooie website, hoop je te werken, ben QRV holiday style, 5W QRP 🙂
73′ Rudi – ON7CL
ON4BAV familie • Martine Van de Laer • Belgium
Heel erg bedankt Max voor deze mooie hulde aan mijn broer ON4BAV. Ik hoop dat hij je van hierboven kan volgen.
Martine – zus van ON4BAV
ON3BEN • Benny Luyckx • Belgium
Veel plezier en heel veel qso’s in Kosovo ik hoop je te horen en qso met je te maken tot horens Max.
73′ Benny – ON3BEN
ON2ZZA • Bert Celis • Belgium
Veel succes in Kosovo, geniet ervan. Prachtige site.
73′ Bert – ON2ZZA
ON5DZ • Kurt None • Belgium
Mooi initatief! Ik kijk er naar uit om een poging te wagen!
73′ Kurt – ON5DZ
ON6AT • Patrick Elyn • Belgium
Een mooie website Max, veel succes aan u en aan het team voor het slagen van deze DX-peditie. Ik kijk er al naar uit om door de pile up te geraken.
Good luck, good DX, 73′ Patrick – ON6AT
ON8ZL • Frederik Dudal • Belgium
Schitterende site. Enorm veel succes met de DX-peditie naar Kosovo! Ik zal proberen contact te leggen.
73′ Frederik – ON8ZL
Heel veel succes met de dx-peditie en veel QSO’s en hoop je te ontmoeten op één van de banden.
73′ Louis – PD1LVK
ON3EA • Vandonninck Eddy • Belgium
Mooie site Max! Veel succes gewenst ginder en hoop je te werken.
73′ Eddy – ON3EA
ON2UR • Nijs Mirella • Belgium
Veel succes in Kosovo en vooral genieten van je DX-peditie.
88′ Mirella – ON2UR
ON7COB • Koen Cosyns • Belgium
Max, volgende keer ga ik mee!
73′ vriend!
Koen – ON7COB
ON8GL • Glenn Cobbaert • Belgium
Veel QSO’s gewenst ginder! Website ziet er goed uit.
73′ Glenn – ON8GL